sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Retrospective, les Portfolios du Journal

Weekend Portfolios10.11.2012


Weekend Portfolio

Les portfolios du Journal

In the previous twelve months, twelve prestigious judges have selected the weekend portfolios. We’ve decided to present them all to you again this November. In December, the judges will review their selections and choose one or two finalists. You, the readers, will then vote ...

Weekend Portfolio

Sam Stourdzé's Selection

These are the portfolios chosen by Sam Stourdzé, director of the Musée de l'Elysée (Switzerland).

Weekend Portfolio

Willis Arnold, Emily Peters: Claustrophobia

These images are the product of a collaboration between myself and the photographer Emily Peters. The photographs are a metaphoric representation of how manufactured products shape the contours of modern identity. These masks are created with materials traditionally used...

Weekend Portfolio

Jürgen Bürgin
Urban Ballads

I'm Jürgen Bürgin, 40 years, from Berlin, Germany. With "Urban Ballads" I'm telling stories, short instances of life in the big cities of our world. All are street photographs from strangers, unknown people, passing by in the streets of the cities. Each photo of the series is telling ...

Weekend Portfolio

Misha Ramishvili 

I'm Misha from Georgia, Tbilisi. Last year I was in Azerbaijan. This little photo set taken in Azerbaijan Ismayilli region.

Weekend Portfolio

Germán Peraire
Night Diary

Nights of solitude and silence, wandering astray, restless, through the sleeping city. Always in the quest for some light to beat the darkness, a mirror to find the desires, fears, dreams and wounds that shape the self identity. Finding in the others one’s own hidden faces: the weakness ...

Weekend Portfolio

Steven Lang

The line between urban and suburban -- a mix of aging strip malls, modest bungalows, ubiquitous gas stations, and solitary pedestrians -- has been the focus of my recent photographic work. I refer to these settings as "middle urban," and I've approached this photography (particularly the houses) almost ...

Weekend Portfolio

Carlos Ayesta, Guillaume Bression
Clair Obscur

There is a 1000 square kilometer no man’s land surrounding the Fukushima nuclear power plant. This dead zone is undoubtedly the most brutal and visible trace of the nuclear accident. More than 110,000 people had to pack their bags and leave ghost towns behind them.

Weekend Portfolio

Al Mayuk

My first inspiration is humanist photography. I began in 1997 in the studios of the Centre de l’Image in Mexico and showed my first films in their makeshift labs, composing photographic scenes on the trails of Indian villages and in the streets of Mexico City. I further developed my vision during my t...

Weekend Portfolio

Thomas Vanden Driessche

Ripped open buses, turned over earth, exploded cars and, here and there, overequipped soldiers, rooted to the spot, proudly showing off their heavy weapons. And then suddenly everything comes alive. They crawl, shoot, run. They kill and die. But not for real!

Weekend Portfolio

Mark Luscombe-Whyte

Mexico is a country very close to my heart, it is a place of constant contradictions, on the one hand throughly modern and the other very traditional. I recently managed to spend a few weeks there travelling across the country with no particular plan apart from looking at people, places a...

Weekend Portfolio

Mazaccio & Drowilal
We Live Here

Mazaccio & Drowilal met in 2006 and felt an immediate kinship. Influenced by conceptual art, cinema, and Japanese and American photography, they developed a critical eye in the privacy of their daily lives, envisioning a way to photograph as a duo, both in the taking of the photogra...

Weekend Portfolio

Séverine Gautier
Lost in translation

Séverine Gautier, 40, began taking pictures after spending a few years doing audiovisual work. She trained at the Centre Iris in 2011. A Marseilles native, she now lives in Paris. This short series entitled "Lost in Translation" follows a woman in an unfamiliar city.

Weekend Portfolio

Mehryl Levisse
Private Spaces

Who said the body is a finished thing? Is it not bone, flesh, and skin making up a head, a torso, arms and legs? Under certain gazes, it loses its humanity when cut in pieces or moved about. In my projects, the body is the material. I use it the way that others use paint for canvases,...

Weekend Portfolio

Estelle Zolotoff
Tbilissi Caucase

Making a portrait of an entire country is impossible. But that’s exactly what I tried to do during my travels through Georgia, twenty years after the dissolution of the USSR. Apart its from conflict with Russia in 2008, I have long been drawn to the work of filmmaker Otar Iosselian...

Weekend Portfolio

Jennifer Loeber
Cruel Story of Youth

Grounded in the ideals of a counter-cultural past and freed from the forced constraints of a conventional camp experience, these photographs explore a society of teenagers empowered through otherwise impossible freedoms. Nestled in the mountains of Massachusetts is Rowe Camp, a ...

Weekend Portfolio

Markel Redondo
Time of Crisis

Across Europe, Spain is one of the countries taking longer to recover from the economic crisis. In Spain, there is an estimate of 1.200.000 empty houses due to the financial instability of the real state market that is affecting the majority of Spain. At the same time, Spain has one of ...

Weekend Portfolio

Robert Rutöed
Undertakers on the Catwalk

Once a year undertakers from all over Europe take part in the „Devota“, a trade fair for the funeral and mortuary business, displaying a wide range of grave and tomb supplies, coffins, as well as diverse religious items.

Weekend Portfolio

Magnus Naddermier's Selection

These are the portfolios chosen by Magnus Naddermier, co-founder and art director of Le Journal de la Photographie.

Weekend Portfolio

Alireza Fani
A Memorial For Today

«A Memorial For Today» is a reflection of how we pass our days and our private moments with tremendous passivity... a chronic passivity which we have apparently voluntarily invited into our lives. Our acceptance of this passive way of life has led us to turn a blind eye to our al...

Weekend Portfolio

Regis Feugere

These nighttime pictures were taken on the outskirts of urban areas. They represent the thresholds we cross before undertaking a journey. They are allegories of the decision to go forward to face the unknown: Our future. The images are imbued with a sense of fantasy, showing us places captu...

Weekend Portfolio

Guillaume Krebs

I’ve lived in Naples since September 2011, where I’ve had the opportunity to observe, question, marvel at and photograph the city’s unique and intoxicating urban atmosphere. My name is Guillaume Krebs. I’m 25 years old. I trained as an archivist. Photography has been an integral part of my li...

Weekend Portfolio

Johan Peter Jønsson
The Barbers Customers

I began to visit my local barbershop regularly to make pictures, and become friends with Symon the barber, and his young assistant Michael O’Brian. I become a part of the service, and the customers fascinated me. The working class Wales Mann came by to get a haircut before...

Weekend Portfolio

Nasos Karabelas

We received this portfolio without any statement. If the artist want to add a couple of lines, he is free to do it, we would be happy to publish it.

Weekend Portfolio

Sandra Fastré

A self-taught photographer since 2008, Sandra Fastré has developed a personal vision of subjects that call ordinary life into question. She is an auteur seeking to reconcile story and image. Fastré currently serves as the Secretary General of FreeLens photojournalist association.

Weekend Portfolio

Monika Jurczyk

The simplest meaning of the word ‘go’ is to move from one place to another. However, ‘go’ is also a name of an old board game for two players. The purpose of Go is to surround as much territory as possible and capture the opponent’s stones. I took this encircling strategy not to control, but to ex...

Weekend Portfolio

Marilisa Cosello
People and oceans

" That night I had the wind turbines, as it happens, unexpectedly below the skin and nostrils remote a joy, a secret memories of those naked as our bodies, we would say that they are ingrained from childhood. The beach where I was born was peopled with swimmers in summer and baked...

Weekend Portfolio

Gaëlle Abravanel

In her artistic approach, Gaëlle Abravanel explores the range of possibilities of the image through experiments reminiscent of Pictorialism, only she uses decidedly modern tools like telephones and computer screens. In her attempts to free herself from the “too real” quality of images...

Weekend Portfolio

Maria do Mar Rêgo
Love is not blind

An atlas from the discovery of what surrounds us, once more. This series, still in progress, began in 2011, it coincides with my move to Berlin, due to a transforming encounter in my life. From then I didn't stop trying to transcribe the resentful emotions arising from this meet...

Weekend Portfolio

Christophe Jacrot
Under the rain

As I see it, there are two main ways to photograph the world: to take hold of its horror (there’s plenty), or to sublimate it. I’ve chosen the latter. More specifically, I love the romance of rain, snow and ‘bad weather’ (although not its consequences).

Weekend Portfolio

Sander Meisner
White Noise

I am a photographer from Amsterdam, mostly working on my own personal projects of which I create exhibitions and books. I would hereby like to present you with a new body of work I have been working on for the past two years. It is called White Noise, and deals with the overlooked corner...

Weekend Portfolio

Umberto Verdoliva
Mental City

I love street photography, I love the decisive moment, but I love a conceptual approach to the road too. Mental city is an example ...

Weekend Portfolio

Jamie Campbell
Looking Askance

In the spring of 1861, William H. Mumler, a distinguished jeweler’s engraver turned photographer captured the first Spirit Photograph. This was not necessarily the first photograph of its kind, but the first recorded in history with claims of visually reproducing the dead in the form ...

Weekend Portfolio

Tilby Vallard
Refuges Intimes II

These photographs were taken against the vast mountain scenery. In them I reveal my link to nature, questioning man’s presence in this landscape and our relationship to the world and the sacred, seeking the frontier between the real and the imaginary. In this series, a walk through ...

Weekend Portfolio

Eric Zeziola
La Petite Pinsonnerie

Born near Paris, I walk towns and forests here and elsewhere to capture the spirit of the place.

Weekend Portfolio

Turkish coffee

Diffuse as a drop of ink on chest, the soul of Istanbul, for evermore, is distilled into melancholy and widespread in the air as a cloud of coal. A place always in between where time is matched only by confusion. I moved here in December 2009, then i involved myself more into color photogr...

Weekend Portfolio

Julia Tikhomirova
Wandering Times

Julia Tikhomirova is an Italy based Russian photographer. Born in Saint Petersburg in 1981 she began taking photographs while graduating from Journalism Faculty of Saint Petersburg State University. For years she worked as correspondent for a German-Russian newspaper and later moved...

Weekend Portfolio

Héctor Mediavilla
La noche de los muertitos

In contrast to our western ways, in Mexico people not only live with faith in the afterlife, they also behave as if the dead were still with them. On the night of the 1st-2nd November, mourners and flowers flood the cemeteries, coffee or tequila is drunk, the deceased’s f...

Weekend Portfolio

Eric Antoine

"Take your time, calm down, observe… Take the time to lie down and dream, take your time to use slow photography, take your time to move outside of time. This work, as well as other ambrotype series I've made, is a multilevel paradox. Here are images of dreamers and nature... nothing new,...

Weekend Portfolio

Karen Buttin

In 2008 I moved to Japan for almost a year. Far from the architecture embodying the Christian world, I began taking pictures. As opposed to the frequently simplistic caricatures portrayed in the press, I tried here to present photographs that might raise questions.

Weekend Portfolio

Claire Dorn

This series, Colorfield, takes its inspiration from the works of Rothko. In began with a contemplative, observational meditation on nature. Then, by playing with photography’s visual techniques, the balance and beauty of the figurative produced abstraction. The emotions leave the frame to in...

Weekend Portfolio

Loic Molon

The one is an aphasic, patriarchal totem. The other, my father’s father, whom he never knew, and whose existence I learned of late in my youth. Both were married to my grandfather. Amateur filmmakers in their time, these grandfathers were too little known.

Weekend Portfolio

Nasos Karabelas
Abstract Photography

My name is Nasos Karabelas and this is my work. It is from a project that I call abstract photography, with this project I want to show that there are things that people cant see because they lost the ability to do this.

Weekend Portfolio

David Barnes
King Tide

David Barnes was born in 1974 in Cardiff and lives in the Rhymney Valley, south Wales, UK. His artistic practice is grounded in long-term collaborations within communities in his native south Wales - using a layered approach which combines photography, film and installation. His work has been...

Weekend Portfolio

Stacy Swiderski
Men at Night

'Men at night' examines man, in a period of existential space, in the suburbs, at night. It is an attempt to explore a daydream in the evening, a pensive moment where alternate lives, hopes, dreams, and unactualized ambitions can be fathomed. The camera, functioning as a portal to the s...

Weekend Portfolio

Alban Coret

Ten years after the fall of the Twin Towers, my gaze turned toward the incredible silent organization that exists in Chinese society, the largest in the world. If the ubiquitous crowds give the country the appearance of pandemonium, it appears that each individual nonetheless knows what he or ...

Weekend Portfolio

Talos Buccellati
Divino Amore

Divino Amore is a series of portraits showing the world of “pilgrims” who visit St. Peter’s Basilica every year in Rome. They make the journey out of devotion, curiosity or simple boredom. The series is part of a project on witnessing of public events, The Watchers.

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