martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Moissej Nappelbaum, Vincent Fournier, Massimo Berruti, Ken Light




Moissej Nappelbaum: Russian artists

Galerie Berinson presents Moissej Nappelbaum, the unrivaled portrait photographer of Soviet Russia. The exhibition comprises more than 50 rare original prints – including portraits of Vladimir Tatlin, Sergej Eisenstein, Boris Pasternak, Maxim Gorky, Dmitri Shostako...


Christy Lee Rogers' : Reckless Unbound

Christy Lee Rogers'’ latest exhibit Reckless Unbound, once again reshapes the boundaries between contemporary photography and painting. Without the use of post-production manipulation, Rogers’ works are made in-camera, on the spot, in water and at night...


Hollywood Bound:
Heroes and Villains

Hollywood was a city of extremes: not for Tinseltown the carefully judged subtleties of shot and tone that were the hallmark of the art-house auteurs. It demanded passion, thrills, suspense, violent outbursts of emotion and movement – and so for every protagonist sweeping his way...


Une Nouvelle Collection aux Editions KnowWare

The publishing house KnowWare is releasing its first collection of photography books with Voir naître le talent. This new collection aims to present the work of promising young French photographers. The first two titles (available in bilingual French-English editions) are...


Photography after dark :
New York At Night

In New York at night, we find ourselves immersed in the wildest years of the American metropolis. The evenings were extravagant and glamorous. Adrenaline was a religion and promiscuity a way of life. It was a New York of extremes, with danger, loneliness and brutal...


Gail Albert Halaban - Hopper Redux

Edwynn Houk Gallery presents new photographs by the New York based photographer, Gail Albert Halaban (b 1970, Washington D.C.). Hopper Redux is Halaban’s most recent series, reimagining the famous watercolors by Edward Hopper in and around Gloucester, Massa...


Vincent Fournier
Past Forward

On the occasion of the Vincent Fournier exhibition Past Forward, the Acte2 galerie is presenting a selection of his recent work: Space Project, The Man Machine, Tour Operator, Brasilia and Post Natural History. Fournier is a photographer whose work oscillates ...


Thomas Jorion
Forgotten Palaces

Thomas Jorion is part of these photographers who hunt the ruins, as his contemporary Vincent J. Stoker. Hospitals, Hairdresser’s salons, cinemas, gyms… Armed with a large format camera and color negatives, Jorion immortalizes these abandonned places, almost bewitched. This time, his...


Scarlett Coten

In Morocco, I approached men in the street and in cafés, by chance, by instinct. I asked to take their picture, in their homes, wherever they wanted. I spent time with those who accepted and followed them around. Dreams are like letters, they have to be opened. In a country where freedom is h...


Massimo Berruti :
Fighting the Talibans

Since 2008, Massimo Berruti has followed Pakistani militias fighting against the threatening rise of Taliban. They are in a struggle to preserve their liberty and culture, which has remained intact despite the raging conflict. Berruti avoids the lurid aesthet...


Brésil, Geraldo de Barros: Magazine Zum

For its third issue, the biannual Brazilian magazine from the Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) has decided to focus on rarities, publishing never-before-seen images by the photographer and painter Geraldo de Barros. Shortly before his death in São Paulo in 1998, the artist, arme...


Hôtel de Sauroy,
The Openings

Friday evening, the Hotel de Sauroy openned its two exhibitions designed and thought by Laura Serani : Le temps des lucioles and Thanks to Luigi Ghirri. A nice end of the day, with poetic images which invite to travel.


Ken Light : Valley of Shadows and Dreams

Ken Light and I have been really happy to see our latest book, Valley of Shadows and Dreams, find its way onto the pages of the NY Times Sunday Review, reviewed by Newsweek’s Daily Beast and shown at the Oakland Museum this fall. But, five years ago I...
Le Journal de la Photographie - 3, Rue Primo Levi, 75013 Paris France

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