Oct 27, 2018 | 7 - 11 PM
Empty Gallery is proud to present a fall night of raucous, ecstatic, and fiercely irreverent music from Cantonese hardcore band NYPD ( 南洋派對), Basque noise-rockers Billy Bao, and industrial/minimal wave weirdos Taibach. Local four-piece NYPD will open the night with a set of off-kilter punk jams featuring lead vocalist Jon’s musings on late nights in Tai Kok Tsui, relationships in Hong Kong, and local eating habits - among other subjects. Spanish noise-rock band Billy Bao will follow with their first Hong Kong performance. Formed by notorious theorist, sound artist, and noise musician Mattin (collaborator of Junko, Oren Ambarchi, and Tony Conrad among others) Billy Bao traffics in an abrasive, ritualistic, and sloppy form of “degenerate rock” which is sure to upset anyone with normative expectations about sound, genre, or musical “skill”. Last, but certainly not least, Empty will host a rare public performance by mysterious electronic duo Taibach, finally emerging from the shadows after years of furtive and tenuous rehearsals. Conceptualized by two well-known arts professionals who wish to remain anonymous, Taibach plays martial electronic music drawing influence from classic industrial bands, techno, and electro. With a name combining references to their ancestral homeland of Taiwan and the infamous Slovenian industrial group Laibach, Taibach restages the classic thematics and aesthetic strategies of industrial music - applying them in a timely and incisive manner to the current East Asian political situation. A necessary corrective to our usual program of occasionally staid experimental and avant-garde music, Empty invites you to come let your hair down for the night.
入秋之際,Empty Gallery 即為大家帶來一場喧鬧狂喜的音樂盛會,由玩世不恭的粵語硬蕊組合南洋派對(NYPD),到加泰羅尼亞噪音搖滾樂隊Billy Bao和工業音樂/極簡音潮怪客Taibach輪流登場。本地薑南洋派對會拉開當晚序幕,以非常態的龐克即興奏出主音Jon在大角咀渡過無數深宵的所思所想,聯繫到香港的人際關係及本地的飲食習慣等等。西班牙噪音搖滾樂隊Billy Bao會接力出場,送上他們在香港的首個演出。Billy Bao由人所週知的理論家,聲音藝術家和噪音樂手Mattin (Junko,Oren Ambarchi和Tony Conrad等人的合作者)成立,這樂團游刃於一種帶磨蝕質地,具儀式性和輕率化的 「墜落搖滾」,其演出肯定會擾亂在場每一位對聲音,體裁及音樂「技巧」的慣常期望。壓軸環節就是神秘電樂二人組合Taibach難得一遇的公開演出,乃其多年閉關密練所修成的音樂正果。Taibach是由兩位堅持匿名的知名藝術專業人士構思而成,其演奏的電子軍樂深受典型工業音樂,鐵克諾和電音的影響。組合名稱靈感來自成員祖上的故鄉台灣(Taiwan) 和聲名不輕的斯洛文尼亞工業音樂樂團Laibach。Taibach 重現工業音樂的經典主題和美學策略,並以一個適時精準的方式將它們置入東亞當下的政治狀態。而為了對我們一貫間或穩扎的實驗與前衛音樂節目作出一個必要的糾正,我們誠邀你來盡情享受這個精彩的週未晚上!
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