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Job Koelewijn, Collage / Storyboard, 2012. Stop motion animation (Wittgenstein). | |
presented by Capital A. 1 December 2012–12 January 2013 Galerie Fons Welters, AmsterdamBloemstraat 140 1016 LJ Amsterdam T +31 20 423 30 46 F +31 20 423 30 47 mail@fonswelters.nl |
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012
Job Koelewijn Collage / Storyboard
Boletín de Noticias ARTEINFORMADO - 29/11/2012
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www.arteinformado.com • Datos del mercado del Arte: Artistas, Galerías y Coleccionistas • arteinformado@arteinformado. |
Graduate art programs announce new full tuition scholarships
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Introducing Mahnaz Afkhami on Generations
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The International Museum of Women’s
Curating Change
Now featuring new guest curator
Mahnaz Afkhami
We are thrilled to include Women’s Learning Partnership founder Mahnaz Afkhami in Curating Change! Mahnaz is our newest guest curator, featuring her selections from IMOW’s rich global archives on Generations.“Making change happen involves transition—from exclusion to inclusion, from inequality to equality, …and from tradition to adaptation,” says Mahnaz Afkhami in her Curator’s Statement. “ All of these have to do with passing the torch from grandmothers to mothers to daughters. We grandmothers that have lived lives that were slower, quieter, less connected, and much more dependent on face-to-face contact have to look at the world through the eyes of our daughters and granddaughters.” Mahnaz has been a leading women’s rights advocate for over three decades, is the former Iranian Minister of State for Women's Affairs, serves on IMOW’s Global Council, and is founder and president of the Women’s Learning Partnership, an international organization that develops curricula in 20 languages to train future women leaders around the world. Explore Mahnaz’s selections for IMOW that shine a light on generations of women around the world! Mahnaz’s selections include “Jeju Grannies of the Sea,” a photo series depicting elderly women sea divers in Korea; “Peace Begins with You and Me,” a mixed media video exploring how conflict and peace can cross generations; and “Learning from the Past,” an essay about how one young woman confronts the financial crisis using lessons taught to her by her mother— plus many other amazing pieces from IMOW’s exhibition archives! Check out Mahnaz Afkhami’s selections on Generations>> Thanks to the generous support of the MetLife Foundation, this year’s Curating Change will include selections on Motherhood, Community, Friendship, and more from leading women of every generation, working in fields around the globe. New guest curator selections will be launched every two weeks through Spring 2013. Be sure to check back soon for the next guest curator selections! |
Wendell Castle: Forms within Forms— The 21st Century
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Wendell Castle, Abilene, 2008. Stainless steel, 30 x 52 x 30 inches. Photo: Jon Lam. | |
Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (KMAC)715 W. Main Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202 www.kentuckyarts.org |
The Kinetic Imaging MFA Program
Design by Meena Khalili Clifford.
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The Kinetic Imaging MFA Program offers the MFA student the opportunity to expand and integrate the fields of video, experimental animation, interactive media and sound. Working in a studio-based environment, students focus on art production that explores critical inquiries in media, culture and society. Diversification is encouraged, as media projects take a variety of forms such as text, installation and performance, and embrace both narrative and experimental approaches in cyber, physical or hybrid space. In a world that increasingly uses moving images and sound, the Kinetic Imaging program enables students to produce creative works that contribute to and challenge the rapidly evolving dialogue in emerging media arts. A relatively new program, established in 2007, KI MFA students have shown their work internationally, including exhibits in Turkey, Pakistan, Korea, India, and Canada, as well as the United States. MFA faculty includes Stephen Vitiello (2011 Guggenheim Fellow), Bob Kaputof, Bob Paris, Pamela Turner, and Semi Ryu. Their media expertise covers sound art, video art, experimental animation, socially engaged media, virtual interactive environments and virtual puppetry. |
Review: Tara McDowell on Miriam Böhm at Ratio 3, San Francisco
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Miriam Böhm, Match VI, 2012. Chromogenic color print, 59.69 x 85.09 cm. Image courtesy of Ratio 3, San Francisco. | |
Miriam Böhm's "Before in Front"
November 9–December 14, 2012 |
Los grandes tesoros de la colección de arte de la Casa de Alba se exponen al público en CentroCentro
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 02:16 PM PST
Las grandes obras maestras de la colección de la Casa de Alba salen por primera vez del Palacio de Liria para ser admiradas por el gran público. Piezas fundamentales de Goya, Rubens, Fra Angelico, Tiziano, Renoir y muchos otros grandes pintores y escultores de la historia del arte se podrán ver en CentroCentro, en esta [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 01:45 PM PST
Nueva iniciativa académica del Centro del Estudios del Museo El Museo del Prado pone en marcha el primer Seminario de su Centro de Estudios bajo la dirección de Félix de Azúa El Museo del Prado otorgará 10 becas (exención completa de matrícula) para jóvenes que no superen los 35 años y posean una titulación superior [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 12:54 PM PST
Lech Majewski ha llevado a la gran pantalla la creación de la pintura “Camino al Calvario” de Pieter Bruegel, “el Viejo” Para realizar la película “El molino y la cruz” el director, que ha utilizado las nuevas tecnologías y los efectos 3D, tardó 3 años en acabar el film. La película retrata a una docena [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 12:16 AM PST
El Museo Reina Sofía abre al público una sala de la colección permanente al artista surrealista Óscar Domínguez (Tenerife, 1906-París 1957). Hasta el próximo mes de septiembre, y al quedar vacío este espacio normalmente ocupado por obras de Salvador Dalí que han viajado a París para una exposición, se podrá ver un valioso material documental [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 12:14 AM PST
El jazz llena de música la Biblioteca Nacional gracias a su nueva exposición La música alegre. En la muestra se pueden ver testimonios documentales en torno a las etapas principales de este estilo musical y segur así la evolución de esta música en España y en la recepción tributada al jazz estadounidense. A lo largo [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 12:13 AM PST
‘A Tres Bandas’ llega al Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo (MEIAC) tras su paso por Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Cádiz. Un montaje peculiar que gira en torno a la música y se apoya en elementos visuales y escenográficos que la enmarcan, la sugieren o emanan de ella. La muestra ofrece una [continúe leyendo...]
[Esto es sólo un resumen. Pulsa en el título para leer la noticia completa...] |
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