jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Peter Van Agtmael Prix W. Eugene Smith and Ed Ou Prix Bayeux 2012




Peter Van Agtmael : W. Eugene Smith Grant

The W. Eugene Smith Grant ceremony was held yesterday in the large auditorium of the School of Visual Arts, New York, filled to capacity for the occasion with photographers and publishers. The Grant in Humanistic Photography worth 30,000 dollars - almost the...


Prix Bayeux 2012: Diary of Michel Puech

Aris Messinis, from the AFP, won the Prix Photo for his photographs taken during the Battle of Sirte, which took place in Libya in October 2011. Ed Ou, from Reportage by Getty Images, was awarded the prize for young photojournalists in recognition of his series on Egypt. The 19...


Prix Bayeux-Calvados 2012, Ed Ou

Barely 26 years old, Ed Ou is one of the most promising members of Reportage by Getty Images. He just received the ‘Young Reporter’ prize at the 19th edition of the Prix Bayeux-Calvados for war correspondents. The jury was presided over byGil...


Michel Maiofiss
Les bistrots

Maïofiss has the fabulous gift of the griot. He conjures myth out of the mundane, giving a spark of immortality to the characters he reduces to two dimensions through the magic of photography. The story is less important than the meaning, and the extras in the sinister ...

Editorial & Business

7 jours d'Agence

It's rare enough that we should mention it here. It is not often, in this economy, with the current conditions of the editorial market that a new photo agency is born. Created this year (yes, in 2012) and named ECHO by photographer, manager & a photojournalism professor Gianmarco Maraviglia, i...


São Paulo: The Walter Firmo Collection

Until October 31, the Ímã Foto Galeria will be exhibiting works taken from the archives of Walter Firmo, one of Brazil’s most important photographers. The event brings together nearly 30 images covering the photographer’s career from the slums of Rio to the pr...


Art Elysées Paris Art Fair 2012 : GadCollection

Landscapes are living ecosystems and environments. They have existed well before, and will hopefully be here way beyond the time we are here. When taking photographs, time and space seem hard for me to measure. Whenever I shoot a ‘quality’ image, I know it. At those mo...


Paris Art Fair
Art Elysées 2012

This week is dedicated to Contemporary Art in Paris. From the Grand Palais to the Marais, not less than five art fairs settle themselves in the Parisian capital. The sixth edition of Art Elysees opens today, on the Champs Elysées avenue, until October 22. By focusing on modern art, t...


Art Elysées 2012 : Galerie Kandler

Dédipix is a French term for an Internet phenomenon where users take nude or semi-nude photos of themselves, write a pseudonym on their body, and then post the photograph to their blogs, where other users (the average age is 14) leave comments. Behind this obsession with f...


Art Elysées 2012 : Galerie Baudoin Lebon

Born on 1st February 1945 in Paris. After studying science and ten years devoted to painting, Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand uses the photographic tools since 1980. His works, strictly analogical, black and white silver technique, are characterized with a playful imagination, co...


Art Elysées 2012 : Galerie Berthet-Aittouares

Antoine Schneck travels to the remotest villages of Africa, China and India in search of “authentic” faces for his portraits, which he takes against a black background, concealing the decor, expression, and relationship with the outside world. The faces...

In the archives of...

Life: Carl Mydans on William Faulkner

There is no assurance that when people say no to a picture, that they really mean no. But there are people who just hate to sit in front of a camera. I'm one of them. William Faulkner is another. He proved to be one of the best and dearest subjects I ever had. Still, it was diffi...


Strasbourg : Du Zhenjun and Vincent Debanne

The works of Du Zhenjun and Vincent Debanne both draw our attention toward urban landscapes, their limits, and where they are headed. In the center of the city and its excesses, man feels disoriented, helpless against this environment which...


Micheline Dullin: Sihanouk’s Cambodia

With a predilection for the square format of her Rolleiflex, which allow her photographs and compositions to exude their natural elegance, Micheline Dullindocuments major building sites. It is in these photographs, including those taken from a helicopter, that...
Le Journal de la Photographie - 3, Rue Primo Levi, 75013 Paris France

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