viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Bettina Rheims, Liz Hingley and Deborah Turbeville




A Turn of the Page for Newsweek

This is the end of an era. One of the two american giant news magazines, Newsweek, announced yesterday a transition to an all-digital format in early 2013. As part of this transition, the last print edition in the United States will be the Dec. 31 issue. “Newsweek is produced by a gift...


Berlin : Bettina Rheims
Gender Studies

Camera Work presents the exhibition "Gender Studies" by Bettina Rheims. Focusing again on transgender, in 2011 the artist created a fascinating portrait series of 25 people who evade categorization of being male or female. To see and show people in...


Bernard Plossu: Marseille et La montagne

After spending last spring in Normandy, this season Bernard Plossu will be very present in the south of France (Aix-en-Provence and Marseille) with two projects and two major exhibitions, and two publications available from Éditions Images en Manœuvres. In Aix...


Miss Rosen
Book Review #40

Do It Yourself. The ethos of the punk movement that began in the 1970s with a kind of we-ain’t-got-no-money joie de vivre. Style is using what you have at your disposal and putting it to work; being crafty, creative, criminal if need be. Turning everything on end to what end? Perhaps just ...


Latin American Photography Award

Until November 4, 2012, the Latin American Center of Photography will be accepting applications for the first Latin American Photography Award. Led by the journalist and Magnum member René Burri, the jury will award the prize winners with $5000 of photographic equipme...


Baudouin : 75 portraits de parisiennes

“Each portrait is a short story.” So claims the preface of this new book, the culmination of six years of work on a much-coveted theme. Baudouin, a well-known portrait photographer in the French media, must have walked through many doors before arriving at this selecti...


Jeremy Stigter :
Vivre malgré tout

In 2010, Jeremy Stigter photographed the patients and the nursing staff of the Cancer Unit at the Hôptial Cochin in Paris, led by Professor François Goldwasser. This photographic series was born of portraits reflecting the relationship that formed between the photographer and his ...


Prix Virginia : Liz Hingley
The Jones's family

Liz could be the reed in La Fontaine’s fable: it seems frail, falling, ready to collapse, but it resists with incredible force and stands up to the test of time. I met Liz more than ten years ago when I was an au pair at Oxford. Her simple message, sent from Austin, Tex...


Stéphane Remael
L'Hymne à Petit Bateau

Petit Bateau was born in Troyes, in the Aube region of France, nearly 120 years ago. Its factory, "Murard" as it is known at Petit Bateau, is its historical center. The main building, "Saint Joseph" still gives a glimpse of what it was like in 1893. This is where Pierre Valt...


The Plants - Ilan Englel Gallery

The Plants is a group exhibition being held at the Ilan Engel Gallery. Two of the four artists on display are photographers: Stephan Crasneanscki and Martine Mougin. The first is presenting colorful polyptychs in several series like Landscapes & Memories and Schwartzwald, while the se...


Louisa Marie Summer
The Jennifer’s family

Jennifer’s family is the story of an encounter. Jennifer and Louisa are roughly the same age, but everything else sets them apart, from the way they look to their social context. A student with golden, gleaming hair, Louisa decided to investigate the social probl...


Alex Schneideman :
Les fous de soleil

The Skin series forms a project which was shot in many different locations in Europe. They put into perspective the desire for humans to prostrate and bare themselves before the Sun God. Almost like a religious pilgrimage we believe that the Kiss of Ra (or sun-burn in ...


Deborah Turbeville
Unseen Versailles

For the Mois de la Photo 2012, the Galerie Serge Aboukrat, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Près, will exhibit the work of the American photographer Deborah Turbeville, who has been absent from the Paris arts scene for far too long. For the occasion, a collecti...

Press Review

European press review by Michel Philippot

I was prepared to explain my choice of photographs this week. But the news I heard on the radio cut me short: a large international company is going to eliminate 5,490 jobs across the world, including 1,430 in France. In response to this news, the company's stock value rose b...

Press Review

US press review by Paul Melcher

For some, photography is a tool to depict news, another pencil, or keyboard. With a 1,000 words per image, it is quickly said, explained and then forgotten. So, in order to remain on top of the news, images become more spectacular, more gruesome. The more the blood, fires, destruction,...
Le Journal de la Photographie - 3, Rue Primo Levi, 75013 Paris France

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