martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Calling All Photographers : Final Deadline is 8 Days Away

Special Opportunity
Calling all Photographers! The Final Entry Deadline to join One Life is Next Tuesday August 28th! Share your best work today to be eligible for your own Gallery Exhibition in NYC, a$25,000 grant and a Trip Around the World. You have less than 8 days left to register --this is your moment to be discovered.

Send us news & tips!
Photographers Wanted : One Life 2012. Final Deadline for Submissions is TUESDAY AUGUST 28.

One Life 2012 : What Stories Do Your Photographs Tell?
3rd Annual Worldwide Search for Today's Photographers. Final Deadline is August 28!

Click Here to Submit

Your Final Submission Deadline is NEXT TUESDAY August 28, 2012 11:59pm EDT
Pre-judging has begun and formal judging will begin upon the final deadline. Entries will not be accepted after this date.

Photographers Wanted: Gallery Exhibition in NYCGet your work seen by hundreds of thousands of international viewers.

This is your chance to earn over $75,000 in grants and prizes, including: a Gallery Exhibition in New York City, a $25,000 cash grant, a Two-Page Spread in PDN Magazine, a Trip Around the World and more! Learn more >>

Each day five entrants are chosen to be featured through our social media pages and weekly newsletters, getting their work seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers. Show your work to your largest audience yet. Click here to start >> 
Photographers Wanted: Gallery Exhibition in NYC

Participating photographers who pre-order the limited edition One Life 2012 Catalog will receive printed inclusion! Space is limited and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. More info >>

One Life is a worldwide search for photography that seeks to illuminate your perspective: what you love, your travels, or anything that reflects your world and experience. Submit your best work and have a chance at life-changing awards. Be a part of it >> 

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