jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

e-flux / Städelschule

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Free Guesthouse at Art Basel, June 15–19, 2011
Guesthouse Basel, a collaboration between e-flux and Städelschule, Frankfurt, announces a call for applications to fill 10 openings in a five-day residency at Art Basel from June 15th through June 19th, 2011.

As a free, self-organized residency for young artists, curators, writers and gallerists taking place at Messeplatz 1, guest residents will be provided with basic accommodations (hammocks), shared bathrooms, a common workroom, and breakfast. Residents will be expected to help run the guesthouse. The reception area of the guesthouse will be available for public programming developed by the residents.

To apply, please send a short bio + 500 word statement of intent to guesthouse@e-flux.com. Please do not send images. Statements longer than 500 words will not be considered.

Finalists will be notified by May 20th.

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