jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011
Apirileko Jarduerak Guggenheimen / Actividades Guggenheim Abril


Larunbata / Sábado. 09-04-2011. 19:00 ArcelorMittal aretoa / Sala ArcelorMittal Museoko bisitariek Georgia Sagriren performance batez gozatu ahal izango dute; artista Atenasekoa da eta New Yorken bizi da. Los visitantes del Museo disfrutarán de una performance a cargo de la artista ateniense afincada en Nueva York, Georgia Sagri. |


Ostirala / Viernes. 15-04-2011. 22:00 Museoko Atrioa / Atrio del Museo Nathan Fake-k Britainia Handiko musika elektronikoaren errege izatea merezi duDrowning in a Sea of Love bere lehen lan arrakastatsuaren ostean. Damien DJ izen pean dago Agustín Gómez Cascales pop musika zale amorratua, Madrilgo Museo Chicote taberna famatuan egoiliar dena. Ojos Pintados-ek urteak daramatza Bilboko gauak girotzen eta pop alternatibo eta dantzagarriena mota askotako musikarekin nahasten du. Después de su exitoso primer álbum, Drowning in a Sea of Love, Nathan Fake ya es merecedor del trono británico de la electrónica. Tras Damien DJ está Agustín Gómez Cascales, un apasionado de la música pop y residente del histórico bar madrileño Museo Chicote. Ojos Pintados lleva años amenizando las noches de Bilbao con sus mezclas del pop más alternativo y bailable con todo tipo de referencias musicales. |


Asteartea / Martes. 05-04-2011.16:30 (film emanaldia / proyección ), 18:30 (hitzaldia /charla ) | |
Zero Espazioa AnimaBasauri-AnimaBasque7 jaialdiak omenaldia egingo dio Tim Burtoni Alicia en el país de las maravillas filmarekin. Ostean, Jordi Grangei-ek, ikus-entzunezkoetan adituak, hitzaldi bat emango du. AnimaBasauri-AnimaBasque7 rinde homenaje a Tim Burton con la proyección de Alicia en el país de las maravillas, seguida de una charla con Jordi Grangei, reconocido profesional de la animación. |


Thomas Hirschhorn. Kobazulogizakiagizakia / Hombre cavernícola (Cavemanman), 2002. Zura, kartoia, zinta itsakorra, aluminio-papera, liburuak, horma-irudiak, bideoak, panpinak, latak, apalak, aerosol-pintura eta argi-fluoreszenteak / Madera, cartón, cinta de embalar, papel de aluminio, libros, pósteres, vídeos, maniquíes, latas, baldas, pintura en aerosol y apliques de luz fluorescente, neurri aldakorrak / dimensiones variables. D.Daskalopoulos Collection. Artelana / Obra: © Thomas Hirschhorn. Argazkiaren eskaintza / Foto cortesía Gladstone Gallery, New York / Nueva York
Larunbata / Sábado. 09-04-2011. 15:30 Museoko Entzungela / Auditorio del Museo Bitarte argitsua: The D.Daskalopoulos Collection erakusketan parte hartzen duten sei artistek haien sortze-prozesuei buruz hitz egingo dute. Seis artistas incluidos en la muestra El intervalo luminoso: The D.Daskalopoulos Collection hablan sobre su proceso creativo. |


Steve McQueen. Gravesend/Lehertu gabea / Gravesend/Sin explotar (Gravesend/Unexploded), 2007. Gravesend: Koloretako bideo digitala, soinuduna, 18 min., begiztan, edizioa: 6 aletik 6 / Videoproyección digital en color, con sonido, 18 min., en bucle, edición 6/6. Lehertu gabea / Sin explotar: Koloretako bideo digitala, soinurik gabekoa, 1 min., begiztan, edizioa: 6 aletik 6 / Vídeo digital en color, sin sonido, 1 min., en bucle, edición: 6/6. D.Daskalopoulos Collection. Artelana / Obra: © Steve McQueen. Argazkiaren eskaintza / Foto cortesía Marian Goodman Gallery, New York / Nueva York
Igandea / Domingo. 10-04-2011. 10:00 Museoko Entzungela / Auditorio del Museo Nazioartean ezagunak diren Arte arduradunek Dimitris Daskalopoulosen bildumaren gainean hausnartuko dute, baita ordezkatzen dituzten erakundeen gainean ere. Curators de renombre internacional reflexionan sobre la colección de Dimitris Daskalopoulos y sobre las distintas instituciones a las que representan. |


Asteazkena / Miércoles. 27-04-2011. 18:30 Informazio-mahaia / Mostrador de Información Ibilbidea aldi baterako erakusketetan zehar, Museoko Arte Ardura Zuzendariordetzako kideen eskutik. BBK-k eta Fundación Vizcaína Aguirrek babestutako jarduera. Un recorrido por las exposiciones temporales de la mano de miembros de la Subdirección de Curatorial del Museo. Actividad patrocinada por BBK y Fundación Vizcaína Aguirre. |


Larunbatak / Sábados: 02-04-2011, 09-04-2011, 16-04-2011. 12:00 Igandeak / Domingos: 03-04-2011, 10-04-2011, 17-04-2011. 12:00 Informazio-mahaia / Mostrador de Información Artelanei buruz hitz egin ondoren, 3–6 eta 7–12 urte bitarteko haurrek euren kabuz lanak sortzen dituzte, hainbat teknika eta baliabide erabiliz. Tras dialogar sobre las obras de arte, los niños de 3 a 6 y de 7 a 12 años elaboran sus propias creaciones mediante diversas técnicas y disciplinas. |


Igandeak / Domingos: 03-04-2011,10-04-2011,17-04- Jolasean artelanak aztertzen eta horiez hitz egiten duten bitartean, 6–12 urte bitarteko haurrek atsegina hartzen dute euren kabuz erantzunak aurkitzean, baita proposamen sortzaile bereziak azaltzean ere. A través de juegos los niños de 6 a 12 años observan y hablan sobre las obras de arte, mientras descubren el placer de hallar respuestas propias y propuestas creativas únicas. |

Jakinarazten dizugu zure helbide elektronikoa fitxategi batean gordeko dela eta fitxategi hori gure kultura-jardueren berri emateko erabiltzen dugula. Datu-base horren jabea eta arduraduna Guggenheim Bilbao Museoaren Fundazioa da eta hark bermatzen du zure datuak edozein unetan eskuratzeko, zuzentzeko, ukatzeko eta indargabetzeko eskubidea duzula. Ez baduzu informazio gehiago posta elektroniko bidez jaso nahi, erantzun mezu honi “gaia” eremuan UTZI hitza idatziz.
Te comunicamos que tu dirección de correo electrónico forma parte de un fichero que tiene como finalidad informarte de nuestras actividades culturales. La Fundación del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao es titular y responsable de dicha base de datos y garantiza los derechos de acceso, rectificación y cancelación y oposición de tus datos. Si no deseas recibir más información vía e-mail, responde a este mensaje con el asunto BAJA.
Te comunicamos que tu dirección de correo electrónico forma parte de un fichero que tiene como finalidad informarte de nuestras actividades culturales. La Fundación del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao es titular y responsable de dicha base de datos y garantiza los derechos de acceso, rectificación y cancelación y oposición de tus datos. Si no deseas recibir más información vía e-mail, responde a este mensaje con el asunto BAJA.
Vinci una borsa di studio con ArtGallery
Time | Thursday, March 31 at 12:00am - May 1 at 12:00am |
Created By | |
More Info | Cari amici, stiamo preparando un nuovo contest per giovani artisti. Grazie alla sponsorizzazione di una banca, metteremo in palio alcune borse di studio. Il concorso partirà solo se avremo un numero sufficiente di partecipanti. Se siete interessati e avete tra i 18 e i 30 anni, inviateci la vostra email e vi faremo pervenire tutti i dettagli. Scrivete a press@associazioneartgalle Vi aspettiamo numerosi! Associazione ArtGallery |
bitforms gallery nyc
![]() ![]() Installation View. Left: Lygia Clark, "Structuring the Self." Center: Annette Messager, "My Little Effigies (Mes Petites Effigies)." Right: Lynn Hershman Leeson, "Self-Portrait as Another Person." | ![]() Touched: A Space of Relations Janine Antoni Lygia Clark Lynn Hershman Leeson Annette Messager February 26–April 16, 2011 529 West 20th St New York NY 10011 T 212.366.6939 info@bitforms.com www.bitforms.com Exhibition Guide (PDF) Tue–Sat, 11 AM–6 PM |
Events and Updates from IMOW
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Exhibition Celebration for Young Women Speaking the EconomyVolunteer or Intern with IMOWWelcome our Newest Board Member, Jessica JackleyAll the Latest on Her BlueprintElizabeth Colton Global Impact FundAttend the San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival | ||
Exhibition Celebration for Young Women Speaking the EconomyHear from International Participants and Guest Speaker Maya Soetoro-Ng | ||
![]() Maya Soetoro-Ng | Visit Young Women Speaking the Economy and meet 44 young women from 4 universities, who are collaborating with 4 museums on 4 continents to createYoung Women Speaking the Economy! Check out the project page to learn more and meet the participants—young women between the ages of 18 to 25 fromDenmark, the Philippines, the Sudan and the U.S. If you’re in the Bay Area, join IMOW for the exhibition launch event on April 21 at Mills College in Oakland, California! At this special exhibition celebration, we will highlight some of their work, hear from participants from each country, and hear from special guest speaker, author and US President Barack Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng! Future events for Young Women Speaking the Economy will be held in the Philippines, Denmark, and the Sudan. More information will be available soon atwww.imow.org! Event details: Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 7:00 pm, Mills College, Jeannik Méquet Littlefield Concert Hall, Music Building, 5000 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94613. Free parking is available on campus. This event is free and open to the public, butplease RSVP to rsvp-vpo@mills.edu to secure a seat. Refreshments will be served. Program followed by reception and book signing with Maya Soetoro-Ng. | |
Volunteer or Intern with IMOW! | ||
The International Museum of Women is currently seeking dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers to work either remotely or in our San Francisco office. Internship credit is also available. San Francisco: Programs & Exhibitions Volunteer Join IMOW and assist with planning and research for forthcoming programs and events, as well as our new online exhibition property about global motherhood and maternal health. Learn more about the role here>> REMOTE: Online Community Ambassador Help facilitate a thriving online community at www.imow.org and spread the word about IMOW’s latest events and exhibitions by taking on the role of Online Community Ambassador. Learn more about the role here>> | ||
Welcome to our Newest Board Member, Jessica Jackley! | ||
Please join us in welcoming our newest member of the International Museum of Women board of directors, Jessica Jackley! Jessica is cofounder and CEO ofProFounder, a platform providing new ways for small business entrepreneurs in the U.S. to access start-up capital through crowdfunding and community involvement. Prior to ProFounder, Jessica was a Cofounder and Chief Marketing Officer of Kiva, the world's first p2p microlending website. Since its founding in October 2005, Kiva has facilitated nearly $200M in loans among individuals across 208 countries. Jessica holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business with Certificates in Global Management and Public Management, and a BA in Philosophy and Political Science from Bucknell University. Listen to a podcast interview with Jessica Jackley about her experience founding Kiva, from an IMOW Speaker Series event. We are thrilled to welcome Jessica to the IMOW board! Thank you for joining us, Jessica! | ![]() | |
All the Latest on Her BlueprintPlease Welcome our Newest Contributor, Simba Russeau! | ||
![]() | Read IMOW’s blog Her Blueprint to get the latest commentary and ideas from our contributors! Please help us welcome our latest contributor Simba Russeau. Simba is a multimedia storyteller living in the Middle East/North Africa. She has worked as a photographer, radio correspondent, and writer in countries that include East Timor, South Korea, Philippines, Haiti, Japan, the US, Lebanon and Dubai. She has conducted several workshops with street kids, ex-prisoners, children of migrant workers and refugees on the use of photography and interviewing as a tool for selp-empowerment and as a means of dealing with racism, poverty, prejudice, and war. So far in her stint at Her Blueprint, Simba has contributed compelling pieces about womens’ roles in the Egyptian revolution (and their treatment afterwards) and migrant women domestic workers from Sri Lanka. We are thrilled to have Simba on board! Welcome, Simba! | |
Help IMOW Make a Global ImpactSupport the Elizabeth Colton Global Impact Fund | ||
In honor of our founding board chair, please consider making a donation to theElizabeth Colton Global Impact Fund as a way to honor Elizabeth’s incredible legacy of generosity, innovation and leadership. The Elizabeth Colton Global Impact Fund will fuel IMOW’s growth through global initiatives including:
Help us honor Elizabeth’s enduring support and nurture her legacy through the Elizabeth Colton Global Impact Fund. Thank you for joining us in celebrating Elizabeth’s work with IMOW! Learn more and donate to the fund today>> | ![]() Elizabeth Colton with her daughter Ashley Hongisto in Albania in 2009 | |
Attend the San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival | ||
Join IMOW and the San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival for a special screening of the film Atomic Mom on Saturday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Roxie Theater. Atomic Mom is a documentary about two women, both mothers, who have very different experiences of the atom bomb. After decades of silence, a daughter's quest for truth leads to the exchange of an olive branch between an American Scientist and a Hiroshima Survivor. Ticket prices are $10 in advance, $12 at the door, but IMOW supporters are eligible for discounted $5 tickets if purchased advanced online (while supplies last). To receive the discount, add tickets to your cast and then select “promo code” in the drop down menu. The San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival runs from April 6-10. For a full schedule of screenings and to learn more about the festival, click here. | ||
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