sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Sam Prize For Contemporary Art 2010: Call For Applications

Deadline to Apply: 30 September 2010

The SAM Prize for Contemporary Art is organised by SAM Art Projects.

With its grant of 20 000 euros, this competition is open to all artists corresponding to each of the following criteria:

• over the age of 25
• who have been resident in France for at least 2 years
• who have a signed contract with a gallery in France.

The aim of the prize is to allow the selected artist to carry out a project which they will conduct in an emerging country in the Southern hemisphere, and exhibit in France, at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, in the following year.

Every kind of expression and all the visual arts disciplines are accepted: painting, sculpture, installation, photography, video…

To apply, the artist should exclusively upload on SAM Art Projects website, www.samartprojects.com, a project as required that they would like to carry out in a "developping" country, understood in a wide sense, uploading before the 30 september 2010 to SAM Art Projects.

The full details of the Prize are available on the site : www.samartprojects.com, in the column SAM Prize

The Jury in charge of the final choice is composed by:
Anne-Pierre d'Albis, Curator and Creator of the Parcours Saint-Germain in Paris
Fabrice Hergott, Director of the Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris
Jean-Hubert Martin, Conservateur général du patrimoine, exhibition curator
Hervé Mikaeloff, Exhibition Curator and Artistic Consultant
Sandra Mulliez, Founder of SAM Art Projects
Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director of The Serpentine Gallery, London,exhibition curator
Marc Pottier, Exhibition curator and artistic consultant
Marc-Olivier Wahler, Director of the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, exhibition curator

This jury will meet and decide the prize-winner on 16 December 2010.
The official announcement will be held at 8 :00 pm at le Palais de Tokyo.

SAM Art Projects is a private initiative which aims to encourage all new art forms which stimulate contemporary visual art and to focus on cultural exchanges between Europe and developing countries, in a spirit of open-mindedness.

Delphine Perru

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