martes, 31 de julio de 2012


--"convocatoria de proyectos de artes visuales y prácticas performáticas en residencia en NauEstruch, Sabadell, 2012-2013. Como novedad: se ofrece espacio de trabajo y apartamento con cocina".-


Ida Biard/La Galerie des Locataires realizing the work by Daniel Buren on the streets of Budapest, 1974.
Image courtesy of Ida Biard and La Galerie des Locataires Archive.
The MIT Press

Art in the Post-Periphery

The VIEWS: Frames and Shutters - July 30 - August 5

the slant from WorldwideJul 31st, 2012

(Steven Vasquez Lopez, Flat on Top, installation, 2012, acrylic on panel, 40 x 45 in. ArtSlant Showcase Juried Winner.)
Peeking through windows, passing through doors...
...we see ourselves, find ourselves. Each portal is a voyage, a lens, a transformation. Scott Hug's constellation of artists makes us trip through queer corridors, walls and rooms shouting out to us; while The Dragon is the Frame celebrates the life and work of Mark Aguhar, and mourns their passage from this world. Daniel Richter's paintings are windows into a colorful desolate sublime inhabited by solitary figures. Jesse Fleming's work can be viewed only by peering into a window, while other works invite the viewer to look out of them. Photographs can frame multiple identities, as in the work of Cindy Sherman, and countless others who followed her; whilephoto albums frame, compose, and complicate memory. And, as withRaghu Rai's photographs of India, that click of the shutter can, in the capture of isolated moments, define entire cities, or an entire nation.
Peeking into "the Chamber" with ob, one of Takashi Murakami's newest protégés.
GEOSLANT Around the World
In Puerto Rico, Nicole Rodriguez profiles the passion and conviction of gallerist Francisco "Tito" Rovira Rullán.
Our Round #5 artists are lining up.  Get your work in now (here's how).   
Berlin, July 2012: There is a scene in the Ridley Scott’s movie Alien (1979) where Executive Officer Kane (played by John Hurt) is lowered into a derelict ship and discoverers a chamber filled with hundreds... [more]20120728165309-2
THE BUZZ from other SLANT cities
Los Angeles
Heather Brown, Jesse Fleming
New York
Derrick Adams, LaToya Ruby Frazier , more...
Patrick Cole, Rhys Coren , more...
Erik Kessels, Muzi Quawson
Daniel Richter
Mark Aguhar, Claire Arctander , more...
San Francisco
Cindy Sherman, Michael Delucia, Liam Everett, Evan Bissell, Ana Teresa Fernandez , more...
Raghu Rai
Andrew Brischler

Artelista Magazine: El Arte del Londres Olímpico

Con motivo de la celebración los Juegos Olímpicos, todas las miradas están puestas en Londres. La ciudad, que luce sus mejores galas para acoger a deportistas de todo el mundo, es también epicentro de numerosas exposiciones de gran calado.
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Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, 1797–1855. Procession in the Fog, 1828. Oil on canvas, 81,5 × 105,5 cm. © Galerie Neue Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Este otoño, una exposición investigará en Alemania el lado oscuro del Romanticismo. Compuesta por más de 130 pinturas, esculturas, trabajos gráficos, fotografías y películas, la muestra 'Romanticismo oscuro: de Goya a Max Ernst' se encargará de explorar la fascinación de muchos artistas por el reino del mal.
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Más Arte Olímpico
¿Sabías que los Juegos Olímpicos incluían antiguamente las competencias de arte? En Artelista queremos rendir homenaje al arte olímpico con una promoción especial: obtén un 50% de descuento en todas las reproducciones utilizando el código MEDALLA.
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Picture caption and credit line:. Paul Gauguin. Noa Noa (Fragrant Scent), 1893–1894, Woodcut, image: 35.4 x 21.5 cm. Private collection
Del 28 de septiembre al 20 de enero, el Museo de Arte Moderno de Zúrich (Suiza) exhibirá 50 grabados de Paul Gauguin, una rica colección todavía desconocida para el público.
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Cuarta edición del concurso 'Se busca comisario'
La Comunidad de Madrid convoca la cuarta edición de 'Se Busca Comisario', un concurso para la selección de un Comisario encargado de realizar la programación expositiva de la Sala de Arte Joven para 2013.
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lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

New York School of Interior Design

Photo by Mark LaRosa.

NYSID names
Mr. David Sprouls
as its new President

Wladimiro Politano en el MAAA


El Museo de Arte Acarigua-Araure
se complace en invitar a la exposición:

Wladimiro Politano:
De metáforas oníricas y síntesis abstracta

4 de Agosto - 4 de Noviembre 2012
 Wladimiro Politano
"Cittá Blú" (Ciudad Azul). 2012. Foto: (c) Renato Donzelli

Wladimiro Politano:
De metáforas oníricas y síntesis abstracta

Benjamín Villares

Sábado 4 de Agosto 2012 a las 7:00pm
Museo de Arte Acarigua-Araure 
Av. 15, entre avenidas 5 de Diciembre y 13 de Junio.
Acarigua-Araure, Edo. Portuguesa. Venezuela.

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Special Edition: ArtSlant STREET #2

From Street to Sleek - The Changing Game of Street Art in Berlin
By Nicole Rodriguez

The negotiation between street artist and larger institution is deceptively simple. While there is a constant proliferation of artists and talents immediately visible on the streets, there is an equally large market and demand for the “cool” and the “hip”. How do you negotiate the two without losing some semblance of authenticity? Without selling out?...

Established in November of 2005 as a joint effort between Sour Harvest and Cannibal Flower,Thinkspace exists as a catalyst for the ever expanding new contemporary art movement that is exploding forth from the streets and art schools the world over. Thinkspace's August exhibition features work by Brett Amory and Adam Caldwell, followed by DABS MYLA and friends from Sept. 1 - 22. 

New Interview: KLUB7
By Max Nesterak
Berlin: Since 1998, the Berlin-based street art and design collective KLUB7 has been showcasing their work--a mixture of pop art, street grunge, and childlike playfulness--on street fronts and in store fronts. True to their street art roots, they spend a lot of their time on free, public art projects, although they're also pragmatic enough to know they can't live off of creating free art.
However, instead of turning to the gallery, they choose to take on projects for businesses looking to bring a bit of street to their brands. They've customized everything from television sets to stairwells in posh hotels. While they could easily sell their street work too, they say they like creating original pieces for commercial businesses to intentionally keep their commercial and anti-commercial styles separate. It's a kind of code-switching...
Read more... 

In the Archive: LASER 3.14
By Athena Newton
Amsterdam: "What I love about graffiti is that it’s one of the only few art forms that did not originate from the elite. It’s something that just started with kids on the street, and then it had such a big global impact. That’s what I love about [graffiti]: it grew into this massive, very influential, global phenomenon. I like the idea that it wasn’t about this intellectual guy starting it up. It’s something that really came out from the people.
"To be honest I always saw myself as an artist; whether it’s a graffiti artist or a poet or as a painter, the creative process is all the same for me. It starts with this creative spark and it doesn’t matter in which way I execute it…  I believe you have two kinds of graffiti artists: you have the ones that really like to vandalize…then you also have these graffiti writers who are really artists… For me both are part of graffiti and have the right to exist."

Street Art: Ephemera, Erasure, and Reality of Territory
By Jolene Torr

Balmy Alley and Clarion Alley in San Francisco’s Mission District are well-known for their high concentration of murals, for the diversity of color contained in one-block stretches of fences and residences with bustling commercial streets astride. Swoon, Andrew Schoultz, Sirron Norris, among many others, have added their signature styles, commissioned or not, to the famed narrow alleys. But it’s thanks to Intersection for the Arts in the Mid-Market for their exhibition programming that consistently explores, investigates, and expands on the ways in which people interact with art in public spaces...
Editor's Picks
Berlin - Circleculture 
Jaybo Monk solo show... til September 8th.

London - StolenSpace

Group show... til July 29th.
  Paris - Galerie Magda Danysz

Vhils solo show... til July 28th.

  Vienna - INOPERAbLE

Broken Fingaz crew, til August 4th.

Located in the Lower "Far East" Side (Chinatown) under the Manhattan Bridge, Klughaus Gallery is a contemporary art gallery that primarily works with artists who have roots in graffiti/street culture. Our goal is to show fine art works by emerging artists and provide a comfortable atmosphere for new and experienced collectors. Australian artist LUSH will be shown in the gallery Aug. 25 through Sept. 1, followed shortly by REYES & STEEL of MSK Crew opening on Sept. 14 and running through Sept. 30.

From graffiti to digital art, from paint to sculpture, Downtown L.A.'s Crewest Gallery focuses on what's current, relevant, and happening now. Our purpose is to promote gifted artists whose work may be too edgy and non-conventional for other elitist venues. From August 4 - 26, Crewest presents two exhibits "MYTHOGRAFF" by WERC in the main gallery and "KUYA" by RELIC in the front room gallery. Reception for both shows is Saturday Aug. 4th, 7-10pm.

Charlene Weisler, a New York City native, is a photographer who has been chronicling street art since 2003. Concentrating on the evolving nature of layered graffiti, Weisler’s art captures a timeline of competing messages eroded by time. 

(Charlene WeislerButterfly, 2008, digital print, 11x14 in., Edition of 25.)

Kevin L. O'Brien'spaintings are influenced by Van Gogh, Abstract Expressionism, Rauschenberg, Klee, Dubuffet, children's art, surrealism, dada, pop art, jazz, street art, comics, graffiti, neon signs, and advertisements.

(Kevin L. O'BrienGirl with Golden Hair, 2012, 32 x 40 in.)


14-15-16 Settembre 2012

.La  Galleria “IMMAGINI SPAZIO ARTE “ sarà presente alla Fiera d’Arte Contemporanea di Milano Novegro,che  si svolgerà  nel quartiere fieristico milanese  14-15-16-SETTEMBRE 2012, un appuntamento importante per  l’arte contemporanea.
 Sarà per noi un piacere poter presentare anche le Sue opere. .- Con minima spesa Le offriamo l’opportunità di partecipare ad una  importante FIERA ,presentato da buona galleria, senza  l’impegno  di essere presente fisicamente durante tutta la durata della  Fiera. Sulle vendite , la Galleria trattiene il 20%-


Parete da 3 mt lineari x 3 alt.-€. 300,00 +IVA, comprensivo di pubblicazione di n° 1 opera sul catalogo, x pagine aggiuntive €. 100,00
LA TARIFFA COMPRENDE . Stand con pareti bianche e mouquette-impianto elettrico con faretti – presa di corrente –servizio di sorveglianza e personale addetto alle vendite – - riproduzione  a colori sul catalogo di 1 opera -  Rassegna stampa.

Cap                        città
Telef                                                ..                                  e-mail

Accetto l’invito ad esporre in  FIERA MILANO  NOVEGRO-  “,presentato dalla Galleria IMMAGINI SPAZIO ARTE , e prenoto quanto segue :

PARETE DA mq          

Invio  acconto di €.…………………….pari al 30% dell’importo totale  a mezzo
assegno bancario intestato a :Immagini- Cremona (non trasferibile),che allego alla presente
oppure con Vagli Postale intestato a ITALART c/c.postale 20593760  (allegare  fotocopia) , o
 Bonifico Bancario intestato a :Immagini - Conto corr. N° 32764 -CAB 33770  ABI 08324  -CIN : V- IBAN: IT38V0832433770000000032764  Banca Centropadana-Credito Coop.filiale di  Santo Stefano Lodigiano  (Lodi)           
                            ( precisare la modalità di pagamento effettuato )


Da inviare a:   IMMAGINI SPAZIO ARTE  -Via Beltrami 9- 26100 CREMONA - tel. 0372/422409-  Cell. 348/ - – Iscriz.Camera commercio :CCIAA-NREA :CR-148614-    P.IVA : 12115260155
a-MILANO Novero.doca-MILANO Novero.doc
37 kb   Ver   Descargar  

viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Shpilman International Prize for Excellence in Photography

Michal Heiman (2010 winner), Self Portrait with a Camera and a Door, 1979.

Shpilman Institute for Photography

Extended deadline: September 15, 2012

Boletin - 27/07/2012

La distancia nunca es el olvido
Rosa Olivares Dicen que la distancia es el olvido, pero yo no consigo creerme totalmente la letra de esta melancólica canción. Desde fuera, desde muy lejos de España, leo las noticias cada vez más tristes sin entender realmente la letra de esta canción tan estúpida como todas las canciones del verano. Aunque esta es una canción mucho más triste, pues nos afecta a todos y a muchos les está destrozando la vida. Y no es una manera de hablar. Desde tan lejos de España sorteo con desigual suerte la pregunta de camareros, taxistas, catedráticos y artistas: “Está mal España, ¿eh?” (...)
Soundays en LCA
Viaja sin moverte a través de los conciertos en la terraza que cada domingo ofrece La Casa Encendida donde, hasta el 26 de agosto, actuarán artistas como Kim Gordon & Ikue Mori, Swod y Oren Ambarchi, entre otros.

Visitas a monumentos en restauración
El Ministerio de Educación y Cultura organiza visitas guiadas por profesionales a importantes monumentos en restauración. La Catedral de Ceuta, el Alto Horno de Sestao en Vizcaya y muchos más. Durante todo el verano, los sábados y domingos en horario de mañana.

¡Objetos trastornados!
Este verano el MACBA propone un taller a propósito de la exposición Oferta pública/Public Tender de la artista Rita McBride. Un taller sobre el uso artístico de objetos cotidianos dirigido a familias con niños de 5 a 12 años. Hasta el 29 de agosto.
El mundo del arte dice NO a la subida del IVA
Personalidades del sector del arte contemporáneo se reunieron esta semana, delante del MNCARS, para protestar contra la subida del IVA y los recortes. A la convocatoria acudieron cerca de 500 personas, artistas como Alberto García-Alix, Juan Uslé o Eva Lootz; galeristas como Juana de Aizpuru o Soledad Lorenzo; críticos de arte y comisarios, y otros muchos profesionales que se verán afectados por estas y otras medidas que ponen en grave peligro el bienestar de la cultura en España.
Y en septiembre...
El boletín semanal de se despide hasta septiembre. Un mes en el que iniciaremos la temporada con todas las novedades del sector. Las más de 50 inauguraciones simultáneas de APERTURA 2012; las exposiciones de museos y centros de arte de todo el mundo, las novedades editoriales, los mejores estrenos de la cartelera, las subastas, los fallos de los concursos veraniegos como el de comisariado de la Sala de Arte Joven o el de pintura del Focus-Abengoa; las convocatorias más útiles y todas las noticias relevantes que se pueden seguir, a diario, en donde, los que no puedan esperar hasta septiembre, encontrarán las mejores noticias del verano.
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