lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Paris Photo

Poster for "Les Roméos" by Dora Garcia. 

Live Platform
Paris Photo 2011
10–13 November 2011
with the LUMA Foundation

A curatorial project by Chantal Pontbriand 

Paris Photo

Venue: Grand Palais
Avenue Winston-Churchill
75008 Paris
Opening hours:
Noon–8 pm, 9.30 pm Friday, 7 pm Sunday
Opening preview (by invitation only):
Wednesday, 9 November from 7 pm to 10 pm 

Centro de Artes Visuales Fundación Helga de Alvear

Ester Partegàs, To from from at across from to in from. The Centerless Feeling, 2001.
Mixed media, variable dimensions.*

Approaches I: Contemporary Spanish Art in the Helga de Alvear Collection

5 November 2011–20 May 2012
Centro de Artes Visuales Fundación Helga de AlvearCalle Pizarro, 8
10003 Cáceres, Spain
Opening hours          
Tuesday to Saturday:
10:00–14:00 / 17:00–20:00
Sunday: 10:00–14:30
Closed every Monday, except festive days and bank holidays
+34 927 626 414
+34 927 226 853

University of Pennsylvania


PennDesign MFA Program – Open House
University of Pennsylvania Master of Fine Arts Program in Interdisciplinary Studio Arts

Please join us for the PennDesign Open House for prospective graduate students on Monday, November 14, 2011. The program offers prospective applicants the opportunity to meet individually with faculty and students and includes a tour of the program facilities and studios. The tour also visits the Institute of Contemporary Art, located on Penn’s campus, for a meeting with members of the curatorial staff, with whom the MFA department co-sponsors a number of collaborative programs.
Register for Open House
Meet PennDesign faculty at the National Portfolio Day Graduate Portfolio ReviewsSaturday, October 29, New York, NY, Parsons
Sunday, November 6, Chicago, IL, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
The Application Deadline for Fall 2012 admission is January 17, 2012.
For more information about PennDesign Graduate Programs, please visit our website.
Please feel free to contact us via telephone or e-mail with any questions.
Department of Fine Arts
University of Pennsylvania
205 South 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6312

M Museum

Mika Rottenberg, "Squeeze", 2010.
Video still, Single channel video installation, duration: 20 min. 

Mika Rottenberg
Cheese, Squeeze and Tropical Breeze
Video works 2003–2010
4 November 2011–26 February 2012 

M Museum
Vanderkelenstraat 28
3000 Leuven, Belgium 

Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian

Collier Schorr, "Arrangement #8 (Blumen)," 2006.
Archival pigment print, 124,5 × 104,1 cm.* 

Transformed Land / Terre Transformée
18 October–16 December 2011 

Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian –
Délégation en France

39, boulevard de La Tour Maubourg
75007 Paris
Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 9am–6pm
Free entrance

Public Transport:
metro: La Tour Maubourg (line 8), Varenne, Invalides (line 13)
RER: Invalides (RER C)
Bus: 28

T 01 53 85 93 76/78 

Curator: Sérgio Mah
Artists: Claudia Angelmaier, Tacita Dean, Joachim Koester, Filipa Cesar, Geert Goiris, Jem Southam, Collier Schorr, Rachel Reupke and Benno Schlicht

Sprengel Museum Hannover

Wolfgang Tillmans, "Times Square LED," 2010.
Inkjet print, 200 x 138 cm.* 

9 October 2011–15 January 2012 

Sprengel Museum Hannover
D – 30169 Hannover

In Association with
The Lower Saxony Savings Bank Foundation 

Schola Cantorum de Venezuela at Lincoln Center Thursday, November 3

The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts is pleased to invite you to a performance of The 
Schola Cantorum de Venezuela at Lincoln Center
Schola Cantorum de Venezuela
Schola Cantorum de Venezuela at Lincoln Center

The Venezuelan American Endowment for the Arts is pleased to offer a 30% discount to the Schola Cantorum de Venezuela performance at Lincoln Center*  Thursday, November 3 at 7:30 
Tickets regularly $75-$105  
Enter code VEN30 to receive your discount  TICKETS & INFO 

"A deeply moving account...slippery harmonic shifts created an air of instability, while whispered lines conjured gusty winds."
-The New York Times

Lux Aeterna
María Guinand, director
Thursday, November 3 at 7:30 
Alice Tully Hall, Starr Theater | Broadway at 65th Street  


María Guinand's Caracas choir combines passion and robust skill in a wide range of choral music not often heard in New York. Here they perform a syncretistic program of spiritual music from Spanish-language cultures throughout history, ranging from Renaissance Spanish motets to the villancicos and cantigas that crossed the Atlantic with the conquistadors in the 1500s, to contemporary South American works.   

The performance will be followed by a FREE White Light Lounge. Mingle with performers and fellow concertgoers while enjoying a complimentary glass of sparkling wine or sparkling water.  MORE INFO     

*Program, artists, dates, and prices subject to change. This offer is subject to availability and may be revoked at any time. May not be combined with any other offers or discounts; blackout dates and restrictions may apply. Not applicable to previously purchased tickets. All sales are final-no refunds or exchanges. Limit eight tickets per customer. 

Click Here and Enter Code VEN30

TTY 212.875.5179
Open daily 10:00 am-9:00 pm

In Person
Alice Tully Hall Box Office
Avery Fisher Hall Box Office  Broadway at 65th Street
Mon-Sat, 10:00 am-6:00 pm
Sun, Noon-6:00 pm

ESPACIO MARZANA galería. Festival Internacional de Arte Experimental MEM.

"Desde Dentro" es una exposición que se incluye en los actos celebrados por MEM Festival Bilbao que acoge Espacio Marzana del 3 al 15 de noviembre

En ella toman parte los artistas:

Ixone Sádaba, José Ramón Sainz Morquillas, Pablo Milicua,
Ignacio Sáez, Mauro Entrialgo y Felipe Uribarri.

Comisario: Txema Agiriano

"Barnetik. Desde dentro" es una exposición colectiva con seis artistas
vascos de gran personalidad. Creadores con espítiru crítico que apuestan sin
dudarlo por una obra con caracter muy personal sin tener en cuenta las modas
del mercado del arte. En ésta muestra y publicación nos presentan trabajos
ligados a la geografía interior del individuo. Un trabajo sobre lo oculto,
lo escondido y la propia memoria del artista.

Ixone Sádaba nos habla de la fragilidad de la memoria -incluso cuando se
vuelve técnica- y de la voluntad del ser humano por preservarla. Ella misma
la re-preserva a través de sus fotografías.
Mauro Entrialgo a través de su serie de videos "Trocitos de mi vida" y
también a través de las polaroids que aparecen en ésta publicación, hace
memoria de su vida más íntima y personal. "Mi clase de 8º" título del video
que vemos en la exposición, fue también uno de los temas más significativos
de su descacharrante grupo musical Fat Esteban.
Ignacio Sáez, La lengua obesa, nos acerca a la intimidad del estudio del
artista. De la mano de Suicide, nos invita a amarnos.
Felipe Uribarri, creador de instantáneas de la realidad bilbaina ya desde
los ochenta -recientemente Pablo Milicua, rescataba de nuevo aquellas
fotografías en su exposicón Museo Efímero de Bilbao- y pintor de obsesiones
interiores ha preferido aquí plasmar su investigación, desde dentro, sobre
las falsas atributaciones en el arte.
Pablo Milicua, de cuya exposión Mutantes del Paraiso en el año 98, ésta se
siente un poco deudora, continúa su línea irónica y crítca.
El artista agitador José Ramón Sainz Morquillas utiliza la poetica para la

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Shuruq Harb, "All The Names," (detail) 2011.
Aluminum, paint, 4.15 meters x 2 meters.
Photo by Shuruq Harb
© 2011. 

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Fall 2011 

For all Quarterly Issues visit 

Ana Teixeira Pinto on Bojan Sarcevic's At Present at BQ Gallery, Berlin

Bojan Sarcevic, At Present, 2011. 

Bojan Sarcevic's "At Present" at
BQ Gallery, Berlin

22 October–17 December 2011

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011


Ivor Shearer, "Last Things," 2008, video still.
Copyright the artist. 

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Redraw / Rewrite / RetoolVita Kuben
Autumn 2011
Operaplan 5
Umeå, Sweden 

Prolongations de l'exposition POP ART DIGITAL

Hoy a las 15:00 - 30 de noviembre a las 19:00


Creado por


Photo by Maryam Şahinyan.
Foto Galatasaray / İstanbul – Beyoğlu, 05.1961.
Black & White Negative, 9.5x14.8cm. 

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SALT Galata, the second venue to host SALT's programs and SALT Research, opens to the public on November 22, 2011. 

founded by Garanti
Bankalar Caddesi 11
Karakoy 34420 Istanbul Turkey
+90 212 334 22 00

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Tobias Zielony, "Pearl," 2010.
Chromogenic print, 31 3/8 x 25 3/8 inches.* 

Live Cinema/Peripheral Stages:
Mohammed Bourouissa and Tobias Zielony
Turning the Lens to the Margins
October 15, 2011–January 16, 2012 

Philadelphia Museum of Art
Perelman Building, Julien Levy Gallery, first floor
26th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19130 


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